Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 3/23/11

Amended and Approved on 4/6/11

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham, Clerk 

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan

David Milowe

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer



Alice Cheyer



Chair Report

Chair Susan Price called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM and read the Chair’s Report.


Form A for 111 Morse Street

Mr. O’Cain presented a Form A, on behalf of Mr. Edward Welch who could not be present at the meeting, dated 3/21/11, for the plan of land for 111 Morse Street owned by the Robert G. Morse Jr. Revocable Living Trust Morse Street, Sharon, MA, prepared by Edward A. Welch of 281 Mountain Street in Sharon, MA. The purpose was to divide the assessors parcel map 42, Parcel 22 Lot 0 of 11.684 acres by creating a new Lot #1 of 1.85 acres and the remaining land area of MAP 42, Parcel 22, and Lot #0 will be 9.83 acres.  The Board discussed the documents submitted and requested Mr. O’Cain goes back to the applicant to add additional requested details. This Form A will be held until next meeting.


Tedeschi Food Shop Signs

Mr. O’Cain reported that Tedeschi Food Shops had changed the gas signs.


Subdivision Regulations

Ms. Bingham said that she had many small changes and Mr. O’Cain said he will forward a copy of the online version to her for updating. Mr. O’Cain said that if the Board can update 90% of the document then the review by Mr. Houston will not be as costly.


Ms. Sloan said she is still working on the tree and planting list.


Mr. O’Cain displayed the draft Subdivision Regulations on an overhead screen for the Board to review and comment. They began by reviewing Section 1.1 Purpose. Various terms like “applicant” were discussed and a decision on changing the definition was not made. To do items include:

·        review “applicant” term,

·        should and/or be placed in “designer” definition,

·        determine the difference between the term “applicant” and “developer”,

·        “Easement” was defined as a right acquired by public authority or a person to use or control property for a utility or other designated purpose,

·        Ms. Bingham said there should be a definition for “right of way” and Mr. O’Cain said he would add one,

·        Ms. Price asked if within the “lot area” definition there should be reference to Section 2412 of the Zoning Bylaws,

·        Mr. O’Cain said “standard specification” needs to be updated for the date and will find the latest revision/definition

·        Ms. Bingham said she finds the “subdivision” definition confusing and Mr. O’Cain will check if the definition is an excerpt from the subdivision control laws,

·        Mr. O’Cain said he will look up the difference between “right of way” and “way”,

·        The next meeting the Board will review sections 2 and 3 of the subdivision regulations.


Bella Estates Update

Mr. O’Cain said the list of items to be completed was not done due to the huge snowfall but both he and Mr. Meister met with Intoccia Companies to reformulate the dates which they will provide to him in a letter. The end of July is the firm date to have the dirt pile removed. They are bringing flo-cogs tomorrow to absorb the silt. They are installing sub-drains and the pipe is on site. The proposed concrete posts they will install to ensure that the wall meets the calculated factor of safety against sliding. There was more erosion on the back slope that will be addressed when finger drains are installed and the wall is rebuilt. In the Spring they will be doing buffer planting. Lantern Lane plantings have not been installed. Mr. O’Cain will provide the Board with a written update.


Residences at Sharon Commons

Mr. O’Cain is working with the ZBA to review the Residences at Sharon Commons. Phase 1 includes 14 town homes.


Sharon Commons

There is a 4/12/11 ZBA meeting scheduled for the Phase 2 Sharon Commons plan approval and the Phase 3 BJ’s and Target plan review. Crushed stone will be put down for 900 feet on Laurel Road, as well as a wood fence to protect the neighbors from seeing the construction and the fence should cut down on some of the dust. Mr. O’Cain said he will be getting a letter with dates of when things will occur. He has been receiving the detailed agendas from the ZBA and he will keep the Board apprised.  They are clearing the site.


Potentially Subdividable Lots

Mr. O’Cain showed the Board detailed maps of available land in Sharon of buildable subdividable lots and the Board reviewed.  They are trying to figure out land availability for subdivision/housing use. Mr. O’Cain said he will edit the map for usable land.

Post Office Square Shared Septic System

Mr. Hauser said he will draft a letter/questionnaire to the 42 owners in Post Office Square to determine their interest in a septic system and how they would handle the situation if their system failed.  Mr. Milowe said he will prepare the financial statistics.


Traffic Plan

Mr. O’Cain is meeting with Tom Houston and Eric Hooper regarding the DPW recommendation on the traffic plan for the center of Town. The “Low-impact” and “High-impact” versions of the plan are both being reviewed.  Mr. Houston will then meet with the Selectmen. Mr. O’Cain will inform the Board of what occurs.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Bingham moved to approve the meeting minutes of 2/16/11 as submitted. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-2 in favor. Mr. Milowe and Mr. Hauser abstained from the vote because they were absent from the 2/16/11 meeting.


Mr. Hauser moved to approve the meeting minutes of 3/2/11 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-2 in favor. Mr. Milowe and Ms. Sloan abstained from the vote because they were absent from the 3/2/11 meeting.


Other Business

1. Ms. Sloan told the Board that she is stepping down from the Planning Board at the end of her term. In addition, a replacement for her to the Community Preservation Committee is needed. Ms. Bingham said she had attended previous CPC meetings and was interested in being the Planning Board representative. Ms. Sloan moved to appoint Anne Bingham as Planning Board Representative to the CPC. The Board voted 4-0-1 in favor. Ms. Bingham abstained.


2. Ms. Price said that Jenny Raitt has put together the information for the 40R and Roni Thaler will contact Mr. Delapa to see if he is interested before any additional work is done. Ms. Price will follow up with Ms. Thaler.


3. Ms. Price mentioned that the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization is developing a “Path to a Sustainable Region”, the next long range transportation plan for the region. Information can be found at


4. Mr. O’Cain said he signed up to be a member of the MAPC Consortium Collaborative that meets 3 - 4 times per year and is applying to be a steering committee member.





Mr. Milowe moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM.  Mr. Hauser seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of adjournment.



1. Plan of Land for 111 Morse Street